Article Bank
Why Open Door Policies Don’t Work
Think an open door policy is the best way to be available for your employees? Think again. Learn why this could do more damage than good, and a better option for your business.
5 Tips to Create a Sustainable Schedule (959 Words)
We can only run, run, run for so long.
The trick to avoiding burnout is enforcing the boundaries necessary to create a sustainable schedule.
Read on to learn 5 tips you can incorporate today to make sustainability a way of life (and business).
No is Not a Complete Sentence – 887 words
“No” is a complete sentence. I realize every professional has their pet peeves. Whether it’s how something is depicted in the media, common misconceptions, or just hackneyed phrases (I’m looking at you, “Take things to the next level”), everyone has something that...
Boundaries vs. Compromise (989 Words)
When you begin to identify and set healthy boundaries, the world is rife with boundary violations and you are eager to put your foot down about all of them. You are a Boundary Crusader!
For the sake of your relationships, it’s important to learn the difference between boundaries and compromise.
Are you Promoting Unhealthy Boundaries? (759 Words)
I spent the first two years of my undergrad education in The Honors College, a program for “intellectually curious students who attained exceptional achievements in high school.” The classes were fascinating, the discussions were thought-provoking, and the workload...
The Real Cost of Bad Boundaries (737 Words)
Boundaries may be the last thing you think of when you assess the financial health of your business. However, how your employees interact with one another, management, and even with themselves, can impact not only your bottom line, but the future of your business. ...
3 Benefits of Boundaries for Entrepreneurs (1315 Words)
Can we be honest for a minute? Being an entrepreneur is hard. You probably went into business because: You truly love whatever it is you do. Whether that’s accounting, law, writing, or underwater basket weaving, you love (and are good at) something, and you want...
Boundaries and Core Values (1182 Words)
Where do boundaries come from? If boundaries are how we allow the world to treat us, where does our desire to be treated actually come from? That, my friends, would be our core values. What Are Core Values? Core values are the deeply ingrained beliefs that guide our...
Do Your Employees Have a Boundary Problem? (1164 Words)
Do your employees have a boundary problem? Many moons ago, back when I was in college, I worked as a bank teller. It wasn’t exactly exciting, but my manager worked with my school schedule, and it paid the bills. I didn’t know it then, but it also provided many lessons...
Firing a Client (586 Words)
Sometimes, having healthy boundaries means firing a client. Did you just clutch at imaginary pearls and whisper, “Why, I never!”? When your business is in its infancy, the thought of firing a client may seem downright preposterous. After all, you worked hard to...
How to Communicate a Boundary (633 Words)
How do you communicate a boundary? Good for you! You’ve made an intentional decision. Someone has asked you to do something, and you have taken the time to evaluate the “opportunity” and determine whether you want to or have to do it, if you have the resources...
Networking: How to Protect Your Time (and Yourself) (1135 Words)
How much is too much “coffee?” No, this piece isn’t about caffeine. I wouldn’t dare suggest you give up your sustenance. We’re actually talking about boundaries around networking. If you’re an entrepreneur, a salesperson, represent a nonprofit, or have other interests...