Jan 10, 2018 | book, book coach, creativity, writing, Writing coach
Two years ago, I brought on a new editing client. There were two authors, and the book had already gone through a content edit so I was hired to fix the grammar and punctuation. Easy peasy. (Unless you’ve read about my comma obsession). I always read a chapter...
Jan 5, 2018 | book, creativity, writing
Ahhh the new year is upon us. Christmas lights are coming down, tax materials are being collected, and the gym is jam packed with people eager to get a jump on their resolutions and make this their year! Will it be yours? Do you want to get in shape this year? Quit...
Dec 6, 2017 | book, content, creativity, non fiction, storytelling for business, writing
How many ideas do I need to have?!? If you’ve ever sat down at your desk, taken a look at your To-Do list, and then dropped your head into your hands while muttering “Dear God, why?”, you’re not alone. As a business owner or solopreneur,...
Nov 28, 2017 | book, creativity, writing
It’s a beautiful warm spring day. You pack up a lovely picnic basket filled with gourmet ice cream and your finest bottle of wine. You hop into the car, turn on some tunes, put the sunroof down, and then… sit in your driveway. You don’t have the...
Oct 31, 2017 | book, creativity, non fiction, writing
Think you don’t need to write a book? Think again. Joe Pulizzi , Content Marketing Evangelist said: “A book is perhaps the ultimate piece of content marketing that can position you or your company as a leading expert in your industry.” Establishing...
May 24, 2017 | codependency, creativity, divorce, relationships, resilience
Funny story. Just a few weeks before I moved into my first rental (alone), I ended up standing in the candle aisle at Cost Plus: World Market, weeping openly while staring at some pillar candles. No, it wasn’t the price (I had a coupon!), it was the decision. I...
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