Nov 6, 2023 | book, boundaries, boundary setting, Entrepreneurial Skills, goal setting, mental health, personal development, stress
What boundaries do you set with yourself? There are somewhere between 5 and 10 major stressors in life. Right now, I’m in the middle of one of them. Add that to the fact that I’ve gone through three of the other ones in the last 6 months… and you could say I’m a bit...
Mar 27, 2020 | book, book coach, goal setting, personal development, resilience, Writing coach
How’s your sleep? With this pesky global pandemic, I (shockingly) haven’t been sleeping the best. I fall asleep early, but sometime around 3 am, that restful night goes the way of the dodo bird. Maybe that’s due to the extra dog I’ve got in my bed (I’m fostering since...
Jan 3, 2020 | Business, goal setting, happiness at work, personal development, relationships
My refrigerator is a very scary place. Not like Ghostbusters scary with an evil dog/monster creature that will ultimately lead to possession. It’s not even a “Bachelor Fridge,” a barren wasteland with a case of beer and three-week old pizza languishing in the box. No,...
May 8, 2019 | book, book coach, goal setting, publishing, writing, Writing coach
Confession time. I love infomercials. Like seriously love them. Sometimes, my dad and I will sit around for hours watching all the cool “As Seen on TV” products. I may have even purchased a few in my day. Yep, I had the Perfect Pancake maker (although I...
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