Nov 4, 2024 | boundaries, mental health, personal development, professional development, stress
If you’ve ever struggled with setting boundaries, you’ve probably played the justification game in your head. “How big a deal is this really? I can just shrug it off. It’s not worth endangering the relationship/my job/ my future.” You’ve probably listed out all the...
Oct 21, 2024 | boundaries, Business, communication, core values, Entrepreneurial Skills, personal development, professional development
You already know that boundaries can appear in many ways throughout your business. But did you ever think boundaries would factor into your branding? Warren Buffet once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.” In an age when we can...
Oct 7, 2024 | boundaries, Business, comfort zone, decision making, mindfulness, personal development
I met a new friend this weekend. We were chatting, sharing our experiences with one another, when he said something that threw me: “I think what’s awesome about you is your willingness to say “Yes.” Wait… what? Me? The How to Say No expert? How could my awesomeness...
Sep 30, 2024 | boundaries, Business, communication, mindfulness, personal development, professional development
“No” is a complete sentence. I realize every professional has their pet peeves. Whether it’s how something is depicted in the media, common misconceptions, or just hackneyed phrases (I’m looking at you, “Take things to the next level”), everyone has something that...
Sep 24, 2024 | assertiveness, beliefs, boundaries, communication, happiness at work, people pleasing, personal development, professional development
A few years ago, I was brand new to our local speaking organization. As I often do, I joined the board and served to get a feel for the group and add value. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was about to get one of the greatest boundary lessons of my life. Before...
Sep 18, 2024 | beliefs, boundaries, comfortable, communication, core values, people pleasing, personal development, relationships
My husband and I were recently visiting family in Tennessee. We were sitting at the dinner table, and our 3-year-old granddaughter was devouring a piece of pumpkin spice cake, completely unaware that her hair was getting caught in the frosting. My husband pulled her...
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