Jan 31, 2024 | boundaries, personal development, podcasts
Sheryl Green joins host Celeste Haywood to discuss the winding career path that has led her to become a mental health speaker and author (and why the FBI thought she was a terrorist). Tune in to this episode of Under the Makeup.
Jan 9, 2024 | assertiveness, boundary setting, communication, personal development
Where do you land on the assertiveness scale? This past weekend, my husband and I visited family in California. While our return flight was booked and on time, we arrived at the airport early and crossed our fingers that we could hop on an earlier flight. Thanks to...
Dec 27, 2023 | goal setting, mental health, personal development, professional development, stress
The world is abuzz with talk of New Year’s Resolutions. This is the year we’ll: Get in shape Make more money Stop smoking Get greeting cards out on time Get organized Etc. Etc. Sure it is. I don’t mean to sound negative, but you’ve probably been making New...
Dec 12, 2023 | assertiveness, boundaries, mental health, personal development, relationships
A few days ago, a client of mine asked, “What do you do if you set a boundary and you lose a friend because of it?” Well, at the risk of sounding harsh… celebrate. Being the “Dependable One” Until now, the people in your life have relied too much on you....
Dec 4, 2023 | assertiveness, beliefs, boundaries, communication, personal development, professional development
I remember the first time my husband said, “No is the second-best answer.” He was consoling me after I didn’t get a speaking engagement I’d applied for. Needless to say, in the moment, I was not consoled, I was pissed. How could “No” be a good answer? Where was my...
Nov 21, 2023 | assertiveness, boundaries, boundary setting, comfortable, communication, mental health, personal development, relationships, self care, stress
Tomorrow is the day! Family, friends, and of course… food! Thanksgiving can be a wonderful holiday to celebrate all that we have and be grateful for our amazing lives. Of course, for some, being surrounded by that many family members may make you feel like the...
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