Oct 16, 2017 | Service
You did your homework. You got recommendations from friends and colleagues. You’ve had the all important first meeting and forked over a large wad of cash to a website designer… so why don’t you have a website yet? Many business owners don’t...
Jan 18, 2017 | Service
My family was pretty poor growing up. We received Food Stamps, my mom made most of my clothing, and I even had a few dolls that she sewed for me. I’m not complaining, plenty of kids have it worse. I always had a roof over my head and I don’t think I...
Jan 11, 2017 | Service
Warning: Objects in the mirror may appear more morbid than they actually are. I recently lost a friend and fellow speaker to cancer. Of course, everyone has a different reaction to death. Some may feel angry, frightened, or depressed. But I think everyone faces...
Jan 4, 2017 | Service
We lived in North Carolina when my dog Akasha was still in her mischievous puppy stage (which lasted until about 8-years-old) in a big house with a beautiful family room where we spent most of our time. I did my best to train her not to chew and eat things that were...
Dec 28, 2016 | Service
“There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” Obviously Franklin D. Roosevelt never met a clown. All joking aside, many of us spend our lives paralyzed by fear, unable to live up to our fullest potential. In order to overcome our fear, we first need to...
Dec 21, 2016 | Service
Did you ever notice how we learn our most profound lessons in the most un-profound of ways? During college, I worked as a cashier at Fortunoffs, the mecca of upscale housewares and jewelry in Long Island, New York. There were 4 floors of fine china, small appliances,...
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