What’s That Smell?

I have this thing with leaving produce where it shouldn’t be: like when I went looking for a pen at the bottom of my purse during a meeting, and instead found a bag of liquefied baby carrots. Or when I went looking for my knife to go camping and found a banana...

Volunteering | Job Skills You Can Use

You might be one of the lucky ones. Someone who knew what they wanted to be when they grew up, had the perfect education to prepare them for that career, had the exact connections to get them into their first paid internship, was hired immediately upon getting their...

Job Satisfaction| How to Find Happiness

Raise your hand if you are unsatisfied at your job. Even if you don’t see multiple hands across the sea of cubicles in your office, you can safely assume that you are not alone. I’ve been doing some research on this here interweb and I’m seeing a bit of a discrepancy...

Interconnected | See Yourself In Others

I recently spent time at a yoga retreat, living, eating, and practicing among strangers (who I now consider friends). There were approximately 30 people on the retreat and together we represented 15 states, 4 countries, 5 religions, several socioeconomic statuses, and...

The Eulogy | What Will Your Legacy Be

So I almost died a few weeks ago. Not in that “oh my gawd, look at those shoes, I could just die” way. Nor the “that was the cutest kitten I have ever seen.  I almost died” kind of way.   But seriously… she’s adorable. No. I got in my car, like I do absolutely...

Fraggle Rock Bottom | Volunteerism to Manage Depression

Volunteerism to Manage Depression Fraggle Rock Bottom To be honest, I used to judge people that used anti-depressants. Six years studying psychology doesn’t fully prepare you to grasp the symptoms of depression. Difficulty concentrating, feelings of hopelessness,...